Saturday, November 3, 2012

Hurricane Sandy's Impact Still Being Felt ...

The Murray Family is still in exile in Connecticut exploring the
countryside around our new winter rental home in the town of Sherman
while we wait for the girl's school to reopen. However, the impact of
the storm was just made more personal and poignant by the following
text message we just received from one of our aupairs who is back in
the City working:

"Ali and Matt, Ally and I were wondering if we could invite our friend
and his grandparents over tonight for a hot meal as we just found out
they lost their enti ... re home to the storm. They have been in a
shelter in sheep's bay and we were just able to reach him."

"Of course. Please offer them use of your shower as well."

"I just talked to him and they are busy trying to salvage what they
can but they extend their thanks in advance. "

Sent from my iPhone